Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring Break!

The Good: The good of my spring break was that I had fun. I didn't do much of anything besides work and practices, but I did have fun.

The Bad: Was that we had to come back to school. I was dreading coming back from the very beginning of spring break.

The Ugly: Was that we got killed in our game against Clarendon. We got beat like 22 to 8.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Yes, actions speak louder than words. A lot of my actions hurt others respect for me. I want to think of myself as a nice guy that people can respect and be okay with. But some things I do forbids that. For example in sports I want to be able to have good sportsmanship and most of the time I do. But once in Wheeler some words were said between me and a Wheeler player and most Wheeler fans and it got to my head. I ended up breaking some rules and I was sent home before half time of that game. It embarrasses me that it happened because that's not the person I want to be. But mistakes happen and you learn to move on.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

5 reasons

Jastan you can't drop out. I could name five really good reasons for you to stay in school right now.
One is that you have good grades, your smart. Two, you have the ability to go to college for basketball. Three, you have to play basketball in school. Four, you have to stay in school to be able to go to college, and college will lead to a better future. Five, if you stay in school you have a very bright future ahead of you, you just have to be willing to capture it.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Ghostly Visible

If I was able to turn invisible for an hour I would leave school early and go eat lunch, and actually take mine my time about it. I would actually like to enjoy my lunch. Then I would just do random stuff all over town. Maybe pull a few pranks. Then I would go back to school and have practice and be happy for the rest of the day.

Friday, February 8, 2013

To Be Or Not To Be Healthy

There are certain people of this world that want to take a tasty treats away in our schools. Well the way I think about it, it's a bad idea. If you take them away in our schools you're leaving us craving those treats. So as soon as we get out of school we will go find and buy those treats in a store and pig out on them. This would cause a bigger problem than if they bought these treats in school. Plus, athletic people like myself and the majority of this school burns a lot of calories during practice, so this makes us less vulnerable to becoming overweight. LEAVE OUR FOOD ALONE!

Monday, January 28, 2013

5 bucket list objects

This week we have to make up a bucket list with five things on it. So the first on my list, is to kill the
dangerous Big Five. I've always wanted to do that. The second is to climb the tallest tree in the world. Third, is to jump out of a plane with a nonexistent parachute and live. Fourth, to not struggle in this great life. And fifth wrestle a white tiger.

Monday, January 21, 2013


I chose victorious to describe Martin Luther King Jr because he a big victor in the time of civil rights. He lead the civil rights and changed history as it is. He fought for rights and he was victorious.

My favorite song is Rain Dance by Jay Statham Band.
Lyrics of Rain Dance are:
" Do a rain dance, everybody come down.
We're about to flood this little town.
Do a Rain dance, I want everyone to see.
The Indian gave it to you and me. Do a rain dance."

This song is spiritual, that's why I like it.