Friday, December 23, 2011


Dear Santa,
I have been very naughty this year!! But I was wondering if you could be forgiving and still take my letter? I really know what I want from you this year! It's a real simple subject, and it's easy to sum up! So heres what I want. I simply want. . . EVERYTHING! Thanks!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Killin' N' Grillin'

My favorite television show is Killin' N' Grillin' on the Pursuit Channel!! The reason why it is my favorite is because anything they kill while hunting they eat! Instead of the meat going to waste like a lot of hunters do, they make use of it and feed their families with it! They are real country people for doing so! That's why I like it so much! Plus they give you very tasty recipes on each episode!!!!!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Greatest Invention!!

To me antibiotics was the best invention. With out them we would still be trying to find cures to plagues and viruses that could kill us.  With out them many would still be dying from sicknesses that we are pretty much immune to. So that my best invention. Well to me at least.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Back In Time!

If I were to back in time I would want to go back to being an Indian. I would be chief of my tribe, and I would lead the men into war and hunting for our people. The reason I want to go back to being an Indian is because they have really neat traditional waves. I want to learn the unique ways just so I can survive on nothing but the wilderness if I need to. Indians are fascinating to me because they are strong willed, and never back down or give up.

Friday, November 11, 2011


As me and Hidalgo were watching me and Shordan catch some knarly waves, we saw some dark spots in the water. We didn't pay much attention to it, and kept watching Shordan. Then Shordan said he needed a little break and he would swap out with one us. While we were sitting there talking I noticed were coming towards us fast! At once water went everywhere and then there was a huge splash! Then we knew that it was a whale that tried to eat Shordan! We got him in the boat and paddled as fast as we could to the shore. As soon as the news was spread, we were surrounded by reporters, and bombed with questions. Here were some of them!

"Why were y'all so far out there? That was incredible!" 
"We were out there just trying to catch some knarly waves."
"What happened out there, and what was going through your mind as those magnificent creatures came by you?"
"At first we didn't pay no attention to them, and then they started swimming to the surface as fast as they could. As to what happened, we were almost made lunch.
"Were you worried that you would be swallowed? Tell me who was with you out there?"
 I was not worried at first, but after the first time he tried I was kind of worried so I brought in the guys, and got us safe from it! Who was with me was, Shordan and Hidalgo!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


My name Juan. I can do a cartwheel. My amigo is in la cárcel (jail) for something he didn't do. So I got to bust him out, by doing super powered cartwheels! My super hero powers is being able to do a super strength kick while doing a cartwheel! Here's my plan to bust him out of la cárcel. I'm going to go to the la cárcel, and cartwheel kick the wall by his cell. Then I will fight off the guards while he makes his escape then me, Super Juan, will go into hiding until called upon again!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Drug assembly

From the assembly I took what kind of damage drugs can do to you. It's nasty, horrible, and very disturbing, and the affects to your body can be disgusting, or fatal. That was a life lesson to me to never do drugs, or text while driving.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Lohan vs. Trial

Just because your famous, doesn't mean the laws don't occur to you. Lindsey Lohan is a perfect example. She breaks the law, and gets sentenced to community service. Then she shows up late to her community service. She doesn't even care about her community service. My point of view on it, is to send her to the pin for awhile and see if she don't straighten up. She isn't any better then normal people, like us, and we would be put in prison for the crimes she has done, so she should be to.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Best Halloween Ever!!!

My favorite Halloween story is, walking around town dressed as IT with my brother-in-law who was dressed as Michael Myers, and we would scare people.

 My favorite ghost story is, One night, these kids were coming home from a party and there was a cemetery about one block away from home. One kid was telling the others about a local legend. If you go and stand on the grave for ten seconds and stab a knife into it, a hand will grab you and pull you into the grave with the corpse. One girl was brave enough to do it for $20.00. She got a knife, walked to a grave, stood on it, and stabbed the knife into it. Suddenly, her leg felt heavy and she tried to pick it up, but something was grabbing HER! She was yelling and crying for help, but her friends thought she was kidding, so they just left. The next day, they found out that she had died, of fright. She thought that somebody was grabbing her, but the knife she was using had pierced her pants and held her there.
Now my three favorite jokes are,
Q. What do goblins and ghosts drink when they're hot and thirsty on Halloween? A. Ghoul-aid!!!

Q. What is a Mummie's favorite type of music? A. Wrap!!!!!

Q. Why do demons and ghouls hang out together? A. Because demons are a ghouls best friend!

Works cited:

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My legacy!!

I think God has made me for some good reason, and I think that reason might be fighting for my country. I've always wanted to be in the United States Army, and serve for my country. My legacy is to fight for my country and other peoples' freedom. I want people to remember me as a soldier, a common man that has helped his own country and for other countries freedom. I want people to know me as a helper. I will make sure my legacy will happen, by doing everything to help and never give up, I'll push myself to keep going. I'll think of the people that are being hurt by not having freedom and I'll keep thinking I'm fighting for them, and it will push me to do more.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Nastiest food ever!!!

The raunchiest food I've probably ever eaten is Wasabi!!! It was absolutely awful! We were in Mrs. Duke's class last Thursday, and we saw these green and white balls in a bowl on her desk. We asked what it was, and she told us it was a tasty mint, and to try it. So I grabbed one out of the bowl, and put it in my mouth. That's when I tasted the most horrific food ever. It had this unholy taste of an outrageous spicy and uncooked green pea taste, and that is the sickest food I've ever eaten!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Questions of music!

  I enjoy different types of music at different times. Say it's game day and I need some music to pump me up. I listen to rap, rock, metal, and kinds like that, but if I'm at home just wanting to relax I listen to country and stuff a little bit calmer.
I really don't have a favorite artist, because I like many different artists. I really don't have a favorite song. I like all different types of songs. My least favorite artists are satan worshipers. I dislike that they worship satan. It's just not right in my point of view. I approve of my parents music, because I like country just as much as they do. They also like some of my music, but some of my music they really don't care for.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My opinion if society has last sight in right and wrong!

My opinion in some points yes we have lost sight in right in wrong. If you look at some of the t.v. shows a lot of kids watch they aren't always good. I've been watching some show on Disney channel with my little nephew and niece, and I heard Disney channel curse. When I was growing up and was watching it it never cursed or had anything bad on the channels. Violence, nudity, and language are getting worse with every show or movie. Some directors are editing movies to make them more "interesting" when all they are doing is putting  more violence, nudity, sex scenes, or stronger language and just making it worse. To me all this stuff is wrong, but big movie directors or people making t.v. shows think it's just perfect to put that kind of stuff on air.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hope for Americans after 9/11!!

In this picture firefighters working together with an American Flag. I chose this because it represents that no matter what you try to do to us, we're gonna be strong, and stand together, and keep moving forward. We'll clean everything up, make it better, and just keep trucking forward. No matter what happens we're gonna stand strong, and stand as a strong country that we are. USA!!!!!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

My activities!!!!

Well my favorite activities are sports and hunting! My favorite sports are football and baseball! I got into football because of my brother wanting me to play like him so he taught me the sport, and I have been playing since I was about six in pee-wee. Baseball my dad got me into. Ever since I can remember me and him have been in the backyard playing catch. He got me started playing tee-ball and after that I've been playing every year of my life. Three years ago my dad, and my brother got me into hunting. Ever since i could hold a gun I've been shooting stuff. Then they got me watching hunting shows, that got me really pumped so after i got my hunting license we went hunting. On Thanks Giving in the year 2008, I took my first buck. After that I've been hunting everything I can. So those are my three favorite activities!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My first week of school!

My first week of school was very, well lets just say it was exciting! I enjoyed my new classes and new teachers. I really enjoy Biology because there is a lot of interesting stuff to learn in there. Some of my harder classes are Algebra 2 and World Geography. Spanish and Pre-Ap English 1 is not hard but not easy, it's challenging lets put it that way. I really dreaded the three hour practices after school. The practices are very long and drawn out. They aren't very fun.