Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring Break!

The Good: The good of my spring break was that I had fun. I didn't do much of anything besides work and practices, but I did have fun.

The Bad: Was that we had to come back to school. I was dreading coming back from the very beginning of spring break.

The Ugly: Was that we got killed in our game against Clarendon. We got beat like 22 to 8.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Yes, actions speak louder than words. A lot of my actions hurt others respect for me. I want to think of myself as a nice guy that people can respect and be okay with. But some things I do forbids that. For example in sports I want to be able to have good sportsmanship and most of the time I do. But once in Wheeler some words were said between me and a Wheeler player and most Wheeler fans and it got to my head. I ended up breaking some rules and I was sent home before half time of that game. It embarrasses me that it happened because that's not the person I want to be. But mistakes happen and you learn to move on.